Some internet stuff!

First, please take a few moments and fill out this a’here survey for the corporate masters. Thanks!

In other news, Mark Waid gets it right, re: the internet and the future of comics.

And a quick little thing I threw together on Internet Piracy of the 19th Century.

Hope everyone has a good time with family and stays safe out there!

“Do They Know It’s Crunchmas?”

So, every month at Nerdy Show we do a little thing called Dungeons & Doritos. Only this month’s game got delayed in post due to the holidays and whatnot, so we sang you a song by way of apology.

It is the worst apology.

But here it is!

Okay, that was ill-advised on all levels. As an apology for that apology, Nerdy Show set up its own online radio station, 8bit FM! More tunes are being added all the time.

Fallout: Nuka Break

Here’s the full trailer to a Fallout fanfilm I wrote. Or co-wrote. Not sure, as I haven’t seen the full thing yet! But they should have it wrapped up before it becomes 2011.

Anyway, enjoy!


Got a batch of HIKYM pages sitting at the letterer’s desk as we speak. Meanwhile, Matt’s drawing new pages beyond even those. We are a long dormant comic machine lurching once more into a bold new future.

Similarly, the newest issue of Atomic Robo and the Deadly Art of Science comes out tomorrow. You would do well to pick it up. Even if you missed the first issue, like some kind of wretched slug so hideous and repulsive no one would dare get close enough to kill, you can dive right in with this one. That’s the magic of Atomic Robo.

Status Report

Finally wrapped up my Marvel and video game responsibilities for the foreseeable future. Time to get back on track around here!

We’ve got the next eight pages of HIKYM comin’ atcha. We should start seeing those next week. Zack’s had the latest Warbot script for three of our weeks now, but you cannot predict the ebb or flow of a Finfrock.

There’s a ton of crap going on over at Nerdy Show. If you aren’t listening, you’re missing out on, well, the best way to put it really would be “a ton of crap.” But in a good way!

Meanwhile, thebest way to keep up with what I’m doin’ and thinkin’ turns out to be the Twitter. It’s also where I go to leak info without thinking about whether or not I should be talking about it. So, you’ll hear things over there like the proposed expansion of Atomic Robo comics in 2011 which you would not hear otherwise.

Until now.

But, pffff, that’s old news. And on the internet that’s like, oh man, old news? Why not just kill yourself.