The latest chapter of Dungeons & Doritos is live. Love it.
My ill-fated Captain America: The Fighting Avenger one-shot came out a couple weeks ago. I’d just like to thank everyone for supporting it. I wish we had the opportunity to share more of our vision of Cap with you guys, but these things happen when you play at the corporate level. You can get a very rough idea of what our plans for the series had been back in the halcyon days of when it could have been an on-going series right over here. Unrelated save for the title, Zack and his crew recently released a Captain America: The Fighting Avenger short film.
So, hey! Diamond Distribution finally gave us a release date for the last issue of Atomic Robo and the Deadly Art of Science! It will drop MAY THE FOURTH (be with you). So, there’s still time to order it online or at your local shop. The trade paperback collection will be available in July along with the second print of Volume 2: Atomic Robo and the Dogs of War, which has been sold out since 2010.
Meanwhile, in between post-production on Vol 6, writing Vol 7, plotting Vol 8, and writing a Robo anthology series, I’m working on something for DC! Uh, the comics people, not the cesspool of politicians. Can’t say what it is yet, but I’m having fun with it so far.