Okay, folks. Long story short: a huge potentially life-changing opportunity fell into my lap. I had two weeks to fulfill my duties for this project when I originally signed on, which would have given me ample time to tend to all my responsibilities. But due to crap I have no control over, the schedule went from two weeks to two days. So, sorry to say, I had to skip the Tuesday installment of 8-bit Theater to get this crap done. I’m sorry you guys are the ones who ultimately get the shaft here, but if things work out, you will be very excited.
In the meantime, just so you’re not completely up shit creek without an update, here’s another wallpaper from How I Kill Your Master‘s own Matt!

Okay, so that preview doesn’t quite do its job, but click them links and then you’ll see! And then it will stalk you in your nightmares, but it’s totally worth it!
Suddenly, I have the urge to mention that Matt is available for commissions again. Gosh, I wonder why that occurred to me just now…again. This bastard can draw, use that to your advantage!