I suspect the 8-bit Theater button on the right is screwed up due to some kinda caching issue I don’t pretend to understand. All the code is correct and there’s no reason for it not to display properly. So, yeah, the devil’s caching is at work here. Ha, I fixed it (or it un-cached itself). Take that, devil!
Check out the first five pages of Atomic Robo and the Shadow From Beyond Time #2. It hits shelves tomorrow. How’s that for short warning?

“A true Lovecraftian horror rampages through New York City. Armed with nothing but CHARLES FORT and a pair of Tesla-built Lightning guns, ATOMIC ROBO must stop THE SHADOW FROM BEYOND TIME before it swallows the world in darkness forever.”
You should pick it up. The reviews for the first one are pretty good.
Meanwhile: pre-production on nuklearpower.com’s new Kung Fu webcomic forges ahead. Here’s what few details I can share with you:
It will update with two full black and white pages per week. The first “series” will be a complete story and should range between 90 and 140 pages. There will be the potential for any number of additional series after that depending on audience and creator interest. It’s not a comedy, but there is some comedy. Put another way, Atomic Robo is to Ghostbusters as this new comic is to Indiana Jones.
We haven’t yet figured out the release date, but we should have some character art for you to gawk at later this week.